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Feature consolidation & Usability enhancement

Feature consolidation & Usability enhancements


Clickable prototype


Project overview

In this project, I undertook the task of consolidating and enhancing the usability of features related to creating, submitting, fulfilling requests, and viewing the status of processed requests. The primary goal was to simplify the user journey, streamline processes, and improve overall user satisfaction.


Team: Product Designer, Product Manager, Engineers

Tools used: Figma, Dovetail, Confluence, Jira, MS Powerpoint


  • Feature Consolidation: We aimed to bring together disparate features related to request management into a cohesive and integrated user interface. This consolidation not only reduced complexity but also made it more intuitive for users to access and utilize these functionalities.

  • Usability Enhancements: The project focused on improving the overall user experience by implementing intuitive design and interaction elements. This included optimizing workflows, reducing friction, and enhancing accessibility.

Hypothesis: Merging ‘Make requests & Submitted requests’ list into 1 page and merging ‘Fulfill requests & View processed requests’ into 1 page will increase usability and have streamlined experience for the users that would lead to at least 40% decrease in client incidents reported.

Methods used: Lean UX canvas, Roadmap planning, Heuristic evaluation, Design sprints, Moderated interviews, Redesign user interface, Usability testing, Executive summary with final hand over to the developers.



Audit of current experience


User Flow


Feature consolidation & Usability enhancements overview

Key Accomplishments

  • Unified Interface: We successfully integrated various request-related features into a unified interface, simplifying user access and navigation.

  • Streamlined Workflows: The redesign eliminated redundant steps and made it easier for users to create and submit requests, resulting in a more efficient process.

  • Improved Feedback: The project incorporated clearer feedback mechanisms, helping users track the status of their requests more effectively.

  • Enhanced Accessibility: We paid close attention to accessibility standards, ensuring that all users, regardless of abilities, could easily navigate and utilize the features.


The project's outcomes included a more user-friendly interface, reduced user confusion, and improved request management processes. This led to a significant increase in user satisfaction and a decrease in support requests related to the platform's functionality.

Next Steps:

Continuing to gather user feedback and monitor usage patterns to identify areas for further improvement. Potential enhancements include more advanced tracking features and additional user-focused tools to empower users in their request management tasks.

Overall, the "Feature Consolidation and Usability Enhancements" project not only streamlined processes but also significantly enhanced the user experience in the context of request creation, fulfillment, and status tracking. This endeavor reflects our ongoing commitment to delivering products that prioritize user-centric design and efficiency.