Developer portal.png

Developer portal

Developer Portal

Developer portal

This initiative enables users to seamlessly integrate their financial technology stack, whether it's a single ERP or multiple systems, using our API-first approach for efficient data management within BlackLine.

Team: Product Designer, Product Manager

Tools used: Figma, Confluence, Jira, MS Powerpoint, MS Excel

Problem statement: The current state of our developer portal presents several significant challenges. Users face difficulties in accessing, navigating, and extracting valuable information. This hinders the adoption of our APIs and the development process. There is a pressing need for a comprehensive overhaul to make the portal more user-friendly, informative, and conducive to fostering a developer community and accelerating API integration.

Methods used: Roadmap planning, Content Audit, Redesign user interface, executive summary

Note: This project did not kickoff due to change in leadership planning.


Current Developer Portal website that needs an overhaul


Project Timeline




Content Audit

New features/Capabilities

  • Support API versioning

  • Improved UI and navigation

  • CMS: easily post new content, update FAQs, etc

  • Additional Content: PM to work with product marketing to produce reference materials/videos, supporting documentation, etc.

Note: This project did not kickoff due to change in the company goals but I did all the research needed to kickoff the project.