Data table redesign.png

Data table redesign

Data table Redesign


Project overview

In this project, with two more designers I led a comprehensive redesign of a complex data table, focused on improving usability and aesthetics. Through user research and iterative design, I transformed it into an intuitive and efficient tool, enhancing user experience and productivity. This project showcases my ability to combine user-centric design principles with effective problem-solving for a superior user experience.

Team: 3 Product Designers, Director of Product Design, Engineers

Tools used: Paper skecth drawings, Figma, Dovetail, Confluence, Jira, MS Powerpoint

Problem statement: In the BlackLine systems, data table posed a significant issue as users consistently failed to recognize the 'Right rail' (drawer), leading to a pervasive lack of awareness regarding its essential filtering and sorting functions. This absence of user engagement and understanding presents a critical usability challenge that requires immediate attention and resolution.

Hypothesis: By removing the right rail and exposing the filters and sort functionality within the page will increase visibility and encourage self-directed learning.

Methods used: Lean UX canvas, Roadmap planning, Heuristic evaluation, Design sprints, Moderated interviews, Redesign user interface, Usability testing, Executive summary with final hand over to the developers.


Top 3 hidden features:

  1. Sort & Filter

  2. Summary View

  3. Hybrid


  1. Lacks visual affordance for what is draggable and what can be edited

  2. Difficult to find what is selected if the list is long

  3. Inconsistency in design requires users to learn how to use the right rail every time


Competitive analysis

We conducted competitive analysis in the context of data table research for user experience (UX) which involved a systematic examination of how other products or platforms handle data tables and user interactions. It encompasses activities such as evaluating the features, visual design, usability, and overall user experience of competitors' data tables.

Key components of this analysis included:

  1. Competitor Identification: Identifying and profiling products or platforms that offer data tables similar to the one under examination.

  2. Feature Assessment: Analyzing the features, functionality, and capabilities of competitors' data tables in comparison to the product in focus.

  3. Usability Evaluation: Assessing the ease of use, information hierarchy, and interactivity of data tables in competitor solutions.

  4. Visual Design Comparison: Comparing the visual aesthetics, typography, and data presentation in competitor data tables.

  5. User Feedback and Reviews: Scouring user feedback and reviews to understand strengths and pain points in competitor data tables.

  6. Best Practices and Innovations: Identifying best practices and innovative design elements used by competitors that could be applied to enhance the UX of the data table in question.

The Goal of this competitive analysis is to gain valuable insights, understand industry standards, and pinpoint areas for improvement in the UX of the data table, ultimately enhancing the user experience and providing a competitive advantage.


Validating our hypothesis

  1. Contextual inquiry: (Recruited 5 participants)

    • Understand any current pain points

    • Identify areas to optimize atlas grid data tables

    • Understand general usage

  2. Show design concepts for feedback

  3. High-fidelity prototype with 7 tasks (Recruited 7 Participants)

    • Filter - add/edit/remove

    • Filter group

    • My View

    • Add fields

    • Rearrange fields

    • Sort

    • Bulk action


Concept testing findings - Overall